
Free GI Textbook

"It was over ten years ago that we identified the need for an introductory gastroenterology textbook that would be useful to students, residents, family physicians and specialists. We decided this textbook should be relatively concise and readable, with appropriate figures, tables and algorithms, providing a logical and practical approach to patient management. It should cover the pathological basis of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disease, provide a list of learning objectives and be well indexed. We intended the book would not replace the standard encyclopedic tomes or excellent in-depth reviews, but would instead present a complementary first step to the vast and exciting field of gastroenterology. We also recognized that there was a place for important topics such as the clinical trials that form the basis of much of our modern practice and the crucial new area of molecular biology as it applies to clinical practice and patient care. We also thought it important that such a tribute to Canadian gastroenterology be made available in both official languages, English and French. And we considered it essential to bring out such a text- book in a timely manner and at a modest cost."

This is a FREE textbook.  

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