AFib, The Basics
- irregularly iregular
- irregular RR intervals
- not a P wave in front of every QRS
- atrial rate = 400-600bpm, ventricular rate = 80-160bpm
P = pulmonary (COPD, PE)/pheo/pericarditis
I = ischemic heart dz +/- HTN
R = rheumatic heart dz
A= anemia/atrial myxoma
T = throtoxicosis
E = ethanol ("holiday heart)/cocaine
S = sepsis (post-operative)
- fatigue (most common)
- tachypnea
- palpitations
- lightheaded
Work Up
(Test yourself... why would you order each of these? what are you looking for?) - answers below
- TSH (?)
- Baseline coags
- EKG = narrow complex QRS (<120msec), variable RR, irregular or absent P waves
- ECHO = maybe thrombi, maybe dilated L atrium
- TSH (?) = hyperthyroidism can cause AF
- Baseline coags = getting baseline prior to starting anticoagulation
Of note: if you are looking for THROMBI..."normal" ECHOs (transthoracic) has low sensitivity - transesophageal ECHOs allow for better visualization of L atrial appendage (location where most thrombi form)
source: First Aid for the Wards by Le, Bhushan, Skapik
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